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"I went to a sale that was being held because a hoarder lost her house, and there was an entire semi-trailer full of shoes," said Debra Hogan, 55, a self-described junker who scours estate sales as well as garage sales in Bloomington, Minn. "Too bad they weren't my size because they were adorable." With a three-car garage Vibram Five Fingers sale packed with purchases that only one car fits, Hogan tries to avoid the hoarder label by selling many of her finds at a stall she rents in an antiques mall. "It allows me to shop without the stuff taking over," she said. "You can also make pretty good money," she added, which is why she quit "various other careers," including selling cosmetics, five years ago to concentrate on buying and reselling. Similarly, Diane Mars, 56, a real estate agent in Newbury Park, Calif., supports her estate- and garage-sale habit by selling excess items on eBay. "The real estate business is really bad right now so if I get short on money, all I have to do is sell some stuff," she said. She recently sold 10 Coca-Cola serving trays from the 1930s for a total of $5,000. She had bought them all for $30, she said. Also profitable are vintage ballerina Vibram Five Fingers TrekSportdecorations from the 1950s, which she buys four for a dollar and sells for $25. Given the rise in estate sales, shoppers like Mars say it is becoming difficult to decide which ones to attend. "I have the advantage of being a Realtor so I can look up the title of the house and tell how long they've lived there," Mars said. She and other estate-sale devotees say that, usually, the longer a person has lived in a house, the higher the quality of the merchandise on sale, and the more of it is likely to be vintage. There are other sites like that list sales nationwide and offer mapping features to help shoppers pinpoint events near them, including and WeekendTreasure Vibram Five Fingers Sprint Blue-White ShoesProfessional organizers pay a fee to list sales on the sites and often include pictures of select items. Credit: KATE MURPHY, New York Times News Service     State Bank of India has informed BSE that the Executive Committee of the Central Board of the Bank, in its meeting on December 30, 2010, has accorded approval for raising the Capital for an aggregate amount of Rs. 10,000 crore by way of Public Issue of Subordinated Bonds (Lower Tier II Bonds) during the remaining period of FY 2010-11 and in FY 2011-12, in different tranches and also for raising of Rs. 1,000 crore with a green shoe option to retain Rs. 1,000 crore Vibram Five Fingers Sprint Camo-Blue Shoes with an option to retain any amount of oversubscription under the Retail Category beyond Rs. 2000 crore but up to the rated amount of Rs. 10,000 crores, in the first tranche. 

Par sangqier2 le mercredi 12 janvier 2011


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